Florida divorce settlement agreements lawyer
Tampa Lawyer Kevin A. Fuller


Florida divorce settlement agreements are a common way to resolve your dissolution of marriage action. There are two types of settlement agreements, a Marital Settlement Agreement, and a Mediated Settlement Agreement.


A Marital Settlement Agreement resolves your divorce issues. Negotiation is key to reaching a Marital Settlement Agreement. Before beginning negotiations, I will meet with the client to discuss their issues and ways to achieve their goals. If the parties agree to terms, a detailed Marital Settlement Agreement will be drafted and signed by the parties. Incorporation of the Marital Settlement Agreement in the Final Judgment is important because it becomes part of the Final Judgment and enforceable through contempt proceedings.


A Mediated Settlement Agreement resolves your divorce case. An independent, unbiased mediator assists the parties to reach a Mediated Settlement Agreement. The parties discuss their issues and how they want them resolved with the mediator, who then relays your position to the opposing party. If the parties agree to settlement terms, the mediator will draft and file with the court the Mediated Settlement Agreement. Incorporation of the Marital Settlement Agreement in the Final Judgment is important because it becomes part of the Final Judgment and enforceable through contempt proceedings. If the parties cannot agree to terms, the mediator will file a notice of impasse.

The advantage of resolving your case through a settlement agreement, as opposed to a trial, is that you will know exactly what you will be receiving in your divorce.

Florida divorce settlement agreements can resolve your case if all issues are addressed. If you want strong, experienced counsel to represent your interests, please feel free to call or e-mail The Fuller Firm, LLC. Kevin A. Fuller will schedule a free phone or videoconference consultation. After a thorough case analysis, I will answer your questions and advise you regarding the best way to proceed.