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Tampa Car Accident lawyer Kevin A. Fuller has more than 25 years of experience representing injured victims and taking on insurance companies. I will use my knowledge and skills to ensure you receive compensation for your injury. I have represented hundreds of clients injured in car accidents.

Being injured is devastating.  An injury not only causes pain and suffering, but it can also cause financial ruin. If you have suffered an injury caused by the negligence of someone else, you need to speak with an experienced trial lawyer.  Insurance laws are complicated. One misstep could cost you a settlement.  Tampa car accident lawyer Kevin A. Fuller helps clients injured in a car accident caused by another negligent driver. Unfortunately, people often die as a result of an injury.  A wrongful death case creates additional issues. Initially, you must open the estate and have the court appoint a Personal Representative.


Car accidents have many unique legal issues, such as the time limit on treatment.  An injured victim must begin treatment for their injuries within 14 days.  I would strongly recommend seeking immediate treatment.  Immediately notify your PIP carrier of the accident.  Keep your pharmaceutical and medical receipts.  If you have lost work as a result of the accident, keep track of your lost pay.  These are some of the recoverable damages.

It is important to provide your lawyer with the names of your physicians and all medical facilities where you were evaluated and treated. This is necessary for your lawyer to prepare a medical release form, which will enable your physicians and medical facilities to release your medical records. Your lawyer will then send a Notice Of Representation And Request For Insurance Information letter to the at-fault driver’s insurance company.  Their response must be provided within thirty days and will indicate the value (if any) of the at-fault driver’s Bodily Injury Protection coverage.


Timing is critical.  The sooner you begin treatment, the sooner you will reach maximum medical improvement (MMI).  A diagnosis of MMI is essential because it is a crucial part of your demand package. Your demand package will contain your medical records, proof of lost wages, crash report and any other evidence proving your injuries. I will mail your demand package to the at-fault driver’s insurance company.  Serious settlement negotiations begin once the insurance company receives and reviews the demand package.  It usually takes 6-12 months to settle a car accident case.  I will file a lawsuit if the case does not settle.  A trial can take more than one year to resolve.


Every driver in Florida must carry PIP insurance.  This insurance will cover your medical bills and lost wages up to $10,000.  To receive money from the at-fault driver, he must have Bodily Injury Protection (BIP) insurance.  You will be eligible to get money from this coverage.  BIP policy coverage is usually valued at $10,000-$20,000, $25,000-$50,000 and higher.

If the at-fault driver does not have BIP insurance, you may still be able to recover money for your injuries if you have Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM) coverage. UM coverage will compensate you for your injuries if the at-fault driver has minimal BIP or no BIP. This coverage will pay-out above the value of your PIP. Obtaining a UM pay-out requires additional steps that must be taken.


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